Month: January 2005

Over the hill…almost

Phew! What a day! Started off the day wandering around the countryside between Thorpe and Virginia Water with camera in hand. A beautiful, clear, crisp, dry day. A very pleasant way to enjoy creation. An added bonus was that, just around lunch time, Vic had timed it so that we were by the train tracks and able to get a very close view of a steam train go by. Photos in the usual place.
Following that was a evening organised by Ally and Miriam to celebrate the beginning of the end – my 30th birthday. (Actually, today wasn’t my birthday, but this was the closest Saturday to it). The usual suspects and myself were instructed to be at the Dragon Chef in Slough. Now, I wasn’t sure what to have expected as the girls had volunteered to organise the evening, however a few surprises were in store. First my brother turned up, with wife in tow. OK, not too drastic. A little after everyone had consumed their main meal, everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and handed me presents. Now the singing was to be expected, however, the presents were very thoughtful. Most notable were an LP (yes, vinyl!) of the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever (I’ll explain if you ask), and a very impressive watch which is powered by light! The icing on the cake was quite literally the icing on the cake as it made an appearance, with lit candles and another rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ – the icing having an image of me as a child somehow. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to a great evening and a special thank you to the girls had organised a very enjoyable and memorable evening.
Above all, it was good to have friends and family with whom I could celebrate and share this occasion, for which I am very grateful.

Jerry Springer: The Opera

In the entrance hall of the BBC at Broadcasting House is an inscription (in Latin) which reads:


Translated into English this reads:

This Temple of the Arts and Muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors of Broadcasting in the year 1931, Sir John Reith being Director-General. It is their prayer that good seed sown may bring forth a good harvest, that all things hostile to peace or purity may be banished from this house, and that the people, inclining their ear to whatsoever things are beautiful and honest and of good report, may tread the path of wisdom and uprightness.

With this in mind I was very disappointed to hear of the decision of the BBC to broadcast “Jerry Springer: The Opera” on BBC Two, this week. (According to this).

From the reviews and descriptions of this ‘opera’ on the BBC’s web site, this decision appears to directly contradict the prayer in the inscription quoted above, as well as mock God. Depicting God and Jesus as participants in a talk show, is not only bad theology, but is highly offensive to Jews, Christians and Muslims. To then give them dialogue which is vulgar and crude is simply further blasphemy. Of the Ten Commandments, as found in Exodus chapter 20 (in both Jewish and Christian scriptures), both the third (“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God”) and ninth (“You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbour”) commandments are clearly disregarded.

Would the BBC ever consider screening something which is deeply offensive to Sikhs or Hindus in the same way it is planning to screen something which is deeply offensive to Jews, Christians and Muslims?

Even the Jerry Springer Show itself wouldn’t invest in this opera, according to this, “because they objected to its language, and sexual and religious content”. That’s saying something!

Whilst I don’t believe in censorship, as I believe in the privilege of free speech, I do believe that free speech should be used wisely. I would gladly support the right of an atheist to speak out against God. I may not agree with them, but they have that right. However, I do not believe that mocking Almighty God for entertainment value is a wise use of free speech. I believe it is waste of TV licence payers money, indeed insulting to many of these same licence payers.

I have emailed the BBC and asked them not to screen this ‘opera’. I’m not entirely sure they’ll listen though. Don’t get me wrong, there are many aspects of the BBC I admire and enjoy. I frequently watch their news coverage, as I consider it to be impartial and factual. I also enjoy many of their entertainment programmes, as many are well-written, intelligent and funny. I just don’t think this ‘opera’ is “beautiful and honest and of good report”.


Phew! What a busy day! After my first day back at work for the new year, the usual suspects and I met up at Nandos in Uxbridge as Kev was down for a couple of days. It was good to catch up over a simple meal of chicken, rice and corn. Afterwards we sauntered down to Karen’s to watch Bend it like Beckham. Despite it being out for a few years now, I hadn’t actually got round to seeing it. An amusing film, even if it was football related, with quite a few recognisable locations from around West London.
Better hit the sack now!

Felled in the final frame

I return to work tomorrow, along with the majority of the workforce I imagine, so today was my final last stand of idleness. Or so I had planned. I had planned to have a nice peaceful lie in. Three early morning phone-calls put paid to that idea. The rest of the day was spent going through the gifts I had received over the Christmas period. Clothes were washed in order to remove any residue left over from their manufacture, CDs were ripped into mp3 format for convenience and Sims 2 was installed.
After a brief play with Sims 2, two hours had passed! I shouldn’t be surprised as I found that the original Sims game miraculously bent time in such a way that time would disappear without one realising. Maybe I shouldn’t play this game too often?
Anyway, went bowling with the usual suspects in the evening, pretty much in second position up until the final frame, when a few people nosed ahead leaving me somewhere in the middle of the table. Ah well, it’s the taking part that counts….hmmm.

a.m.: Luke 13:1-5 p.m.: Psalm 91

In light of the recent tsunami disaster, a lot of people are asking “Where was God?” “How could God let this happen?” The sermon this morning attempted to answer these, and other, questions. I shall attempt to summarise, although my summary will be lacking.

In order to get a perspective on things, and possibly answer some of these questions, it might be worth pointing out a few things about what the bible says about God.

Above all, God is sovereign. Everything that happens is with God’s full knowledge and by his power. There is nothing which happens which God hasn’t planned, either by his will, or by allowing. As such, God allows angels and men to commit evil, but ultimately what they do is only by God’s permission. Even now, the whole of creation is sustained by God.
God is holy. God is not the author of evil, nor will he tolerate anything evil. When God created the world he created it perfect – including human beings. God will always do what is right, because he is holy.

It might also be worth pointing out what the bible says about humanity.

We think we know better than God. We think pain is unnecessary and should not be allowed. We think things could be done in a better way.
Men very often blame God when things go wrong, but very rarely thank him. Do we thank him for every blessing he gives us? For the air we breathe, the water we drink, for the food he provides each day? For family and friends? For so much he gives us.

Ultimately, all of us have rebelled against God by doing what he doesn’t want us to do and not doing what he wants us to do. God owes us nothing. As such, those affected by the tsunami did not perish because they were any worse than anyone else. If anything, because all have sinned and because God is holy, we will eventually be judged by God and sent to eternal pain and torment.

Yet God is loving, and has sent his Son to take on the punishment due for our sin. What we could not do ourselves, God has accomplished in the most necessary and costly way. God did not owe it to us, but by his grace he has offered it to us, that through faith in Christ we might be forgiven.

If we are forgiven, we should do what God commands. Do we love our neighbour as much as we love ourselves? Have we responded in a loving way to those in need?
Do we concentrate on what matters? Do we get more aggravated when we’re inconvenienced by trivial things, than when we see others truly suffering? Do we concentrate more on ourselves than God and others?

On the problem of pain, C.S. Lewis said:

“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

Are we listening?

It’s all go

Well, arrived back on London around lunch time, after visiting my parents for a relaxing Christmas. A nice rest from the mad rush that is my so-called life in London. (Who was it who said, “Never mistake a busy life for a life”?)
Saying that, no sooner had I swallowed my lunch, I was on the tube into central London to celebrate Steve’s birthday with the usual suspects. We met up with the usual suspects at Marble Arch for a spot of ice-skating. I must admit, ice-skating isn’t my forte, but after fifteen minutes of finding my feet, I was circling the rink away from the barrier. I’m not saying it was pretty to look at or anything, but it was actually ice-skating rather than dragging myself around the rink by pulling on the railings.
A quick jaunt down Oxford Street was necessary to purchase a birthday present for the birthday boy and then we then headed down to the Texas Embassy near Trafalgar Square for dinner. The food was OK, but a little disappointing given the location and surroundings. However, the company was good so a good time was had regardless.
The evening was finished off around Sarah’s place with “Who wants to be a Millionaire” and “Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit” board games. Kudos to Sarah for organising a fun day. I guess there’s more to life than being with friends, but being with friends is an important part of life.