Stopped off in Bristol today as it’s on the way to Wales. As I’m looking for some more violin music, I thought I’d raid my sister’s stash of music. I’d been given a small list of music to obtain by my violin teacher, including an ABRSM scales and arppegios book. Naturally, my sister had a copy of this, which is now mine. I also went shopping in Clifton and bought some baroque pieces for violin, and also bought copies of the whole of Mozart’s piano sonatas!
Met up later on with Chris and Jason to chat over a meal. We spent most of the evening catching up, and remarking on how we first came together as friends. It’s amazing to think I’ve known them for so long and we still keep in touch. We finished off the evening watching The Interpreter in Hengrove. An interesting film, with loads of shots in and around the UN buildings in New York, and an interesting story with a passing resemblance to that of a number of African nations.