The philosopher in Ecclesiastes continues to point out that a life without God is a meaningless life. Even though everything anyone has is provided by God, not everyone is happy.

God provides some with money, some with food, some with work, whilst others do not have such things in abundance. There is nothing wrong with these things in themselves, as they are provided by God. Yet, those financial wealth are not necessarily happy and will pursue more wealth in pursuit of happiness, those with plenty of food might not be happy and may overindulge in food thinking they will be happy and those who overwork themselves to gain happiness but are not happy. For our happiness cannot be provided by these things alone, and it is our folly if we pursue happiness through them.

Our ultimate happiness can only be supplied by God, by knowing him. We can only know God through his Son, for we are sinners and need our sins dealt with by Jesus Christ. For this is eternal life, that we know God and his Son Jesus Christ. Once we have this happiness, our attitude will be that of gratitude for all that he gives us and satisfaction in these things, seeking to glorify him in everything we do, and thereby having joy. To know that God provides all good things for our enjoyment, but not to be our idols. For God alone should occupy the highest place in our lives, with all other things coming after him.

Without God, one can be unhappy with all the money, all the food, all the work the world can offer. With God, one can be happy with all the money, all the food, all the work the world can offer.

Without God, one can be unhappy without all the money, without all the food, without all the work the world can offer. With God, one can be happy without all the money, without all the food, without all the work the world can offer.

Ultimately, a life which glorifies God and finds enjoyment in him is a meaningful life.

If we claim to be Christians, we are in a Spiritual battle. We must don the armour of God in order to fight this battle effectively. Yet, paradoxically, this armour has the Gospel of peace as its footwear.

Without this peace, it is impossible to fight this battle. This peace which is peace with God, through knowing Jesus Christ, to be steadfast in his Gospel, that we might not be knocked off our feet when attacked.

Whilst we are steadfast, we should also be agile, being able to march on through whatever terrain may lay before us, taking the battle forward and bringing the peace of the Gospel to those around us.

For only this peace with God can bring us peace with others, and true peace with ourselves.