Played football again, on a rather muddy pitch! Fortunately I’d purchased some football boots for the princely sum of £14, so I didn’t slip and slide on the pitch. We divided ourselves up into, what appeared to be, evenly matched teams. As the game progressed, it became apparent this wasn’t the case, as we relentlessly marched to a 8-2 outcome. What was interesting was that random people kept walking up to us playing and wanting to join in, which we duly obliged. A hitherto unfamiliar way to get to know people and maybe share the gospel with them! Hopefully, our conduct on the pitch will be fair and exercise good sportsmanship, and maybe cause those joining us to see the effects of the gospel.

The evening was spent celebrating Myrtle’s 60th birthday, a remarkable lady who tirelessly thinks of God and others above herself. It was nice to be able to put her above others for a change.