Very odd…I received a text message last night from Sarah asking if I’d want to go bowling the following day (today). Now this wouldn’t seem too odd usually, but she said it would be at 10am! Given that today is a Saturday, this was very odd indeed, but Becci was only visiting for a short period. However, I figured I hadn’t been bowling for a while, as well as not seeing Becci since she moved up north, so I thought I’d go along. Morning’s aren’t my strong point at the best of times, so I was not entirely cogniscient this particular morning, but a McBacon roll and orange juice helped me attain consciousness. Not sure I should’ve bothered though. Even though I scored a respectable 147, both Tristan and Steve beat me, leaving me trailing in third place, with Becci and Sarah bringing up the rear. Ah well, at least my score was satisfactory and everyone enjoyed themselves.
The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping for food and playing golf on the computer. I must say that the digital version is a lot easier than the real thing!
In the evening Ally, Mim and Steve and I went to the Uxbridge Road Tabernacle for one of their young people’s meetings. The subject for this evening was “Is the world in the church?” The speaker outlined, from John 17:15,16ff, the need for the church to be in the world, being salt and light. But also that the world should not be in the church – the attitudes and values of the world should not be allowed to permeate the church and so cripple it.