Looking at the last entry, it would’ve seemed safe to assume that this blog was inactive, and until recently, that assumption would’ve been correct.
Until recently, if I found any interesting articles around the web, I’d share that on my Google+ feed.
However, Google’s announcement to shut down Google+ has caused me to rethink the role of social networking in my online presence.
Twitter has become more prominent in how I share interesting links, but it is quite a limited facility.
Facebook is a weird walled-garden which seems to go against everything the web was intended to be.
Of course, any social networking site is ultimately there to make money for its owners, and when that income dries up, the future of the site is called in to question. Additionally, any site has to be funded in some way to function, and if the users are not paying for it, then the user, well the user’s data, is the product.
So… maybe this blog will have a purpose once more… only time will tell.