Just seen Blade: Trinity. As far as the Blade films go, this is better than the second one, and probably as good as the first one. As far as films go, an entertaining no-brainer, with plenty of eye-candy on display, including a very impressive opening scene featuring a ziggurat.

There seems to be a spate of films featuring conspiracy theories at the moment. Many of these also liberally scatter Judeo-Christian theological terms within their titles and script. From the obvious mention of “trinity” in this film, through terms like “tetragrammaton” in Equilibrium and terms like “trinity”, “logos” and “zion” in The Matrix. It would seem to be a concious effort on Hollywood’s part to cash in on theology.

Yet, these conspiracy theory driven films (both theological and non-theological), and indeed the whole idea of of such a theory, stem back to reality. There are indeed powers beyond our control which permeate and seek to influence the human race. Augustine of Hippo coined this permeating power “Original Sin”, which together with the influence of Satan and his angels seek to drive the human race apart from God. Could it be that these conspiracy theorists have some sense of these powers and are attempting to explain it in some way?