What is life? This was what the philosopher considered in Ecclesiastes. He lamented that everything he did, everything he worked for and earnt would be nothing to him when he died. Like building sandcastles on the beach – you may build the most beautiful and ornate sandcastle, but when the tide comes in, it is gone as though it never existed. He had realised that without God in the picture, everything he did would eventually perish.
Like the philosopher, the apostle Paul also knew that without God, life is meaningless and transient. Ultimately, both Paul and the philosopher came to the same conclusion – a meaningful and everlasting life can be found only through faith in Christ, that through faith we might work for the glory of God.

This evening’s sermon on Matthew 2:1-12 was the third time in a month! Maybe God is trying to tell me something? Anyway, I shall quote a hymn which seems to sum it up.

As with gladness, men of old
Did the guiding star behold
As with joy they hailed its light
Leading onward, beaming bright
So, most glorious Lord, may we
Evermore be led to Thee.

As with joyful steps they sped
To that lowly manger bed
There to bend the knee before
Him Whom Heaven and earth adore;
So may we with willing feet
Ever seek Thy mercy seat.

As they offered gifts most rare
At that manger rude and bare;
So may we with holy joy,
Pure and free from sin’s alloy,
All our costliest treasures bring,
Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King.

Holy Jesus, every day
Keep us in the narrow way;
And, when earthly things are past,
Bring our ransomed souls at last
Where they need no star to guide,
Where no clouds Thy glory hide.

In the heavenly country bright,
Need they no created light;
Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown,
Thou its Sun which goes not down;
There forever may we sing
Alleluias to our King!
Will­iam C. Dix