Well, I appear to have had my first piece of blog/comment spam – which I have since deleted.

I don’t mind random unrelated comments from friends and family – I would even encourage it. I also don’t mind related comments from people I don’t know. However, I do object to random unrelated ‘comments’ from people I don’t know whose sole reason for their ‘comment’ (or spam) is to advertise their own web site.

If you are completely unknown to me and would like a link to your site from this one, please send me an email with the details, and we’ll take it from there. At the end of the day this is my blog, where I will rant and ramble about the topics and events I consider interesting, inviting comment on those particular topics and events, and I intend to keep it that way. This is not a search engine. If you’re looking for somewhere to submit your random unrelated link, have a chat with these guys.

I apologise to my regular readers (if such things exist) for the interruption. Normal service will resume shortly. 🙂