After spending the day recovering from the past week, my brother, his wife and myself headed down to Bristol for the evening. The reason for going west was a ‘Chinese evening’ at Totterdown Baptist Church, organised primarily by my sister.
It was an informal event, attended by those from the church, as well as people on the ‘fringe’ – those who didn’t usually attend the church. Around the hall were various Chinese related objects, including a Chinese language Bible. Sometimes we forget that the Gospel isn’t just for those in the English speaking world, but for everyone, so this was a good reminder of the global nature of God’s purposes. There was a Chinese meal, with plentiful amounts of food – of which some of the overflow is now sitting in my fridge! Afterwards, were various competitions to see who could juggle/spin plates/hula best, although not all at the same time. A fun evening where people could get to know each other and where those outside the church could observe Christians in their natural environment, with maybe a glimpse of heaven.