Well, another week has been spent wandering around Tywyn, Wales. It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since I was last helping out at a camp run by Christian Camps in Wales. It was good to meet up with old friends and also to make new ones.

Camp this year was definitely wetter! I seemed to spend a lot of time standing still and allowing the, rather fresh, wind to pass through me and my clothes and dry me out! The wet weather also meant the activities for the children were limited to more indoor locations, although the activities were organised in such a way as to keep the children interested and occupied and so they had a good time regardless.

Of course there was the odd good patch of weather allowing activities such as orienteering and canoing, however, I still seemed to get wet! Note to self: Canoing is damp!

Above all, this was a very encouraging week as we looked at the life of the apostle Peter, in both his foolish and wiser moments. I spoke with many young people, both Christians and not, who had many questions, reminding me I don’t know everything.

All I need now is a long bath and a good night’s sleep!

Nos da.