Had my first piece of unsolicited SMS today. Of course, this is not to be confused with the pink spongy spam manufactured(!) by Hormel. Now spam isn’t a new concept to me, I’ve lost count of the number of emails offering me breast enlargement, enlargement of other body parts, effort-free degrees, free porn of every perversion, and the prospect of US$10,000,000 (Ten-million US Dollars)….amongst other things. So, instead of just deleting this unsolicited SMS, I had a trawl around the internet and found a site which collects SMS spam called 07text0spam.com. These guys pass the details of SMS spam onto the appropriate authorities, and who knows, something good might come of it – hopefully my SMS inbox will not become as riddled with spam as my email inbox if action is taken early on. We’ll see.

2-2 at snooker this evening against Robin. Couple of scrappy frames to start with, improved in the last two.