Remember your Creator…Ec 12:1

…because God is our creator, we are his and not our own. It would be foolish of us to forget him who created us. Not only should we remember him, but we should give him the place in our lives he is worthy of occupying – God should be first in our lives.

The writer of Ecclesiastes then says we should remember God in our youth, as we get older and long into old age before we eventually die – we should always remember God for as long as he lends us breath, for none of us know how long our lives will be.

If we are to place God in his rightful place in our lives, we are to obey his commandments for anything else, well, is meaningless.

There are many times when we ask God for something and only expect him to give it to us. Much like Elijah asked for death when he was being pursued by his enemies.

Just as God didn’t grant Elijah his prayer, so God doesn’t always give us what we want. For God knows us better than we know ourselves, he knows what we really need rather than what we think we need. God always has our good in mind, and sometimes will deny our request because it is not good for us.

Of course, we may not see it that way when we’re in the thick of it and we might complain and moan about it. As time goes on, when we look back, we may realise that God’s ways of doing things are really for our good and the way God ordained is much better than anything we could’ve imagined.

Just as God fed Elijah and strengthened his hands with help, so God feeds us spiritually with his word and physically with our daily bread, and places us in fellowships of Christians that we might strengthen each other and help each other. Woe betide us if we don’t feed ourselves properly, either spiritually or physically, or if we don’t seek the company and counsel of fellow Christians.
