Saw The Aviator this evening. As a film it’s good, but coupled with the remarkable story of Howard Hughes, industrialist, engineer, filmmaker and aviator, this was a very interesting film to watch. The film cruises through his life, from glimpses of Hughes’ childhood, through his film making days, his purchasing of TWA and founding Hughes Aircraft, as well as the various women in his life, from his mother through Katharine Hepburn and Ava Gardner.

His life as one of a man who was driven and able to accomplish much with his gifts and talents. He had strange almost contradictory behaviour, from taking all the risks in flying his own development aircraft, to taking as few risks as possible with personal hygeine. He was the common man, yet at the same time a very uncommon man. Here was a man who was popular with ladies, but ultimately growing old alone.

The film takes us thourgh his life at a good pace, and giving enough of a glimpse to appreciate the moments depicted. It shows us a man who is able to control his actions and speech to great effect, as well as a man whose mind plays tricks and occassionally misfires.

Worth watching.