As Christians, we are here to serve God as his priests in the here and now. The words God spoke to Jeremiah are equally applicable to us.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5

We may not be called to be prophets like Jeremiah, but God has given us gifts and talents for use in his service.

Jeremiah wasn’t so sure of the calling and put up excuses why he couldn’t carry out the will of God. God doesn’t dispute with Jeremiah, but instead tells him to be obedient. After all, God knows Jeremiah better than Jeremiah does! As such we should be mindful of God’s calling and do what he calls us to do. If God calls, we are to do.

All of this would sound unreasonable if God were dependent on us, but instead God calls us to serve him not in our own strength but by his enabling power. By doing the will of God we will be doing what is ultimately best for us.

As we look at the law of God, it illuminates our soul like a light illuminates a room. It shows up the sin within us, indicting us, showing us that we’ve fallen short of God’s glory. It shows us our problem is not external, but internal. Our very nature causes us to break the law of God, to sin.

Our reaction might be to react against it in some way. Either by dismissing it, or actively seeking to break it.

The law itself is perfect and faultless, but because of our sinful state, all it does is condemn us.

Which is why Jesus Christ lived on earth and died, that we might be justified before God through faith in him. Yet, the law isn’t made redundant by Christ, but the law shows us how we should live that we might be happy.