Whew what a warm day! I guess technically it’s still Summer and it’s only just started September, but I guess this makes up for the rather poor Summer we’ve had so far. A rather scorching 27°C (or possibly higher!)
What better way to spend such a glorious day than on the North Downs? A very pleasant day was spent wandering around Box Hill, taking photos of all and sundry, having a picnic lunch in a warm sunny field and taking in the clear fresh air. I must say, I had expected rain for this ramble and had applied copious amounts of dubbing to my boots to restore their waterproof characteristics, so I was pleasantly surprised by todays rather clement weather. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I’ll stop talking about it here � There’s a proverbial set of encyclopaedia in my photo album.

I spent most of this evening attempting to fix Robin’s computer. Why oh why is Windows ME so rubbish?! I’ve a good mind to wipe it and put Linux on it…