As human beings it can be so easy to boast about ourselves, our achievements, our gifts and talents. We can value our own wisdom, our own learning, great orators. Paul writes to the church in Corinth to address the problems they were having. If we’re honest, many of the problems which beset the Corinthian Christians still beset us today. For God did not choose many (note the ‘m’) who were wise, or of noble birth, according to the world’s reckoning, but instead chose the foolish, those of lowly birth, to do his will, that he might work in them. This was done so that, as Christians, we cannot boast in ourselves, but that we can only boast in Christ. So that we cannot glory in ourselves, but give all glory to God.

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Ro 8:29

As Paul writes to the church in Rome, he forms an argument like links in a chain. He starts at the beginning, if the beginning is the right term. For those who are Christians must understand why they are Christians. It can be very easy to believe we became Christians because we’re smarter than the average bear. That we were wise enough to see that we can only be made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Whilst it is true that we can only be made right with God through Jesus  Christ, our faith is not because of our wisdom or intelligence. For God chose the elect not because of anything in us, but because he foreknew us. For when Paul says he forenew us, he’s not talking about knowing about us, our character, or our personality, but the knowledge is the similar kind of knowledge a husband and wife have of each other, something very intimate, love. God chose us, because he loved us. Not that we were lovely, but of his will.

What an amazing grace and love, that God would give his only Son for the likes of you and me. What gratitude is enough for such an act?

Accordingly, we should be humbled by this great truth. For we are no better than anyone else, but by God’s grace we are better-off.

Finally, we should not take the hyper-calvinist view, for we do not know who the elect are. We cannot point out who are not the elect, and we must tell the gospel to all, for we are the means by which the elect are saved.